On Jhatka & Kutha Meat
In his posthumously published 1938 book, Gurmat Martand Volume I, an encyclopaedia of Sikh principles, Panth Rattan Sardar Bahadur Bhai Kahn Singh Nabha, describes the concept of Kutha & Jhatka meat:
He who consumes meat obtained from the Turcs, (Guru) Gobind Singh does not consider that person a Sikh of his.
-Tankhahnama, attributed to Nand Lal, 1718 CE

An animal slaughtered in the Islamic fashion is considered forbidden for consumption in Sikh dogma, because a level of excessive cruelty is employed in slaughtering, as from the moment the zibah begins up until the last moments of life, the being writhes and suffers for some time before death. The state of fear and pain that the animal goes through makes itself felt on the countenance of the consumer. In this way, meat obtained with the recital of ‘Sat Sri Akal’ and a singular stroke of the sword leading to immediate beheading, is called Jhatka. Among Sikhs, Jhatka has been institutionalised as a great exercise of the sword, and secondly, it demonstrates a minimal form of cruelty perpetrated to obtain the meat. If the beheading fails to occur with the first strike, that is referred to as patka and thus is forbidden for human consumption. Jhatka can also be done with a firearm.
Gulaba purchased a goat and presenting it to Sri Prabhu (Guru Gobind Singh), brought it forward and made it stand. The Guru took a musket and performed jhatka with a single shot.
-Gurpratap Suraj Parkash, Rut 6, Ansu 45, Santokh Singh Kavi, 1843 CE
The Creator’s name can be uttered in any of the languages of the world, followed by an immediate thrust (jhatka) and such meat can be acceptable for the consumption of a Sikh. Gurmat decries no language. Machine slaughtered animals, as in an immediate electric current that kills the animal within a second (stunning), can also be considered Jhatka and therefore consumed.
Seeing Muslims argue often and express their opposition against Jhatka leaves us baffled because we see it a pointless argument, as the Koran does not decry Jhatka. The only directives it issues are the following:
‘He has only forbidden you to eat carrion, blood, swine, and what is slaughtered in the name of any other than Allah. But if someone is compelled by necessity—neither driven by desire nor exceeding immediate need—they will not be sinful. Surely Allah is All-Forgiving, Most Merciful.’ (Surah Al-Baqarah Ayat 173)
‘Why should you not eat of what is slaughtered in Allah’s Name when He has already explained to you what He has forbidden to you—except when compelled by necessity?’ (Surah Al An’am Ayat 119)
Therefore according to the above, if ‘Sat Sri Akal’ is uttered before slaughter, it can be considered Halal for a Muslim as well. Those who consider jhatka meat not inclusive of pork (as a taboo) are ignorant, leading others on towards discord. For Sikhs, the equivalent taboo (to that of pork in Islam) is that of the meat of a cow.
Influence of Jainism:
At this time the Sikh nation, which is a martial race, deals with influences from Jain philosophy. There is increasing propagation of myths against jhatka. Many religious leaders are falsely guiding that meat needs to be totally abstained from. We think that consumption of meat is not a necessary condition of Sikh dogma, however, abstention from meat is not essential for Sikhi either. Eating or abstaining from it is variously dependent on occupational privileges (granthi, pujari, civil servant, valiant soldier et cetera) and the state of the environment of the country of the habitant. Anyone who comprehends Gurbani and Sikh history with a heightened state of consciousness shall understand this principle well.
You say machine slaughter/electrocution is allowed? Where does this exist? You are misinformed and/or your source is incorrect. In India, neither of these methods have wver existed. Machine (mechanical) is considered bolt and electric is refering to stunning. Both of these are British methods of making an animal unconcious PRIOR to slaughter, which has been done in the exact same way as muslims and jews for centuries ie cut the necks main arteries to slowly bleed the animal to death, allowing its heart to continue beating so it can pump all the blood out of the body. Your article is making a hugely ignorant / unevidenced / incorrect presumption with relation to this important point. Reason being many easily influenced uneducated Sikhs believe this makes all 'non halal' labeled meat permissable because they 'think' it is slaughtered via some obscure mention of mechanical/electrical slaughter by Kahn Singh (who clearly misinterpreted something his gora mate had told him).
Something to note is that Kharkus banned meat making Punjab meatless. Reasturants stopped serving it and butchers went out of business. Those who defied the law were burned.