You say machine slaughter/electrocution is allowed? Where does this exist? You are misinformed and/or your source is incorrect. In India, neither of these methods have wver existed. Machine (mechanical) is considered bolt and electric is refering to stunning. Both of these are British methods of making an animal unconcious PRIOR to slaughter, which has been done in the exact same way as muslims and jews for centuries ie cut the necks main arteries to slowly bleed the animal to death, allowing its heart to continue beating so it can pump all the blood out of the body. Your article is making a hugely ignorant / unevidenced / incorrect presumption with relation to this important point. Reason being many easily influenced uneducated Sikhs believe this makes all 'non halal' labeled meat permissable because they 'think' it is slaughtered via some obscure mention of mechanical/electrical slaughter by Kahn Singh (who clearly misinterpreted something his gora mate had told him).

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Something to note is that Kharkus banned meat making Punjab meatless. Reasturants stopped serving it and butchers went out of business. Those who defied the law were burned.

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Even then Sikhs still ate meat. In villages all Sikhs were still eating meat. Even gurdwara which were then under nihang control were eating meat Jhatka.

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Not really. Depending on the district no one was eating meat. Most districts were largely meatless. I know that for a fact. No one dared eat meat where Kharkus were active. Nihangs might have kept eating meat, but most Nihangs were already against Kharkus and would actively undermine Kharkus such as those NIhangs who got Sakheera shaheed.

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Kharkus were mostly Akj and Taksalis, some notable Nihangs too but I assume the combination of AKJ + Taksal may have overrided their perspective

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Vegetarian and gender equality = low tfr homosexual.

Anyway, Khulla isn't Jhatka

With the birds now unable to feel pain, an automatic knife cuts the carotid artery and jugular vein


That's not Jhatka lol fk that.

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